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Let's get to Washington D.C.!

Join the campaign in our mission to bring new conservative ideas and leadership to Washington D.C.  I want your help, not your hard earned dollars! The only way I can get to D.C. and bring the fight there is from your vote in June and November.  I need your help through word of mouth, social media, and talking to friends and family in our district to spread the word of my campaign. Thank you for your support!
Host a Campaign Event

Be a part of the change you want to see in our community and the country. Host a campaign event and invite your friends and neighbors to learn more about our shared vision and how they can get involved. Contact the campaign today to schedule your event!

Become a Volunteer

I need your help to make our vision a reality. Join our campaign of volunteers and help us spread the word about our vision. Whether it's door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, or data entry, there's a role for everyone. Sign up today!

Speak with your purse

If you feel obligated to provide a financial donation, I am obliged to accept it within the rules governed by the FEC for my candidate committee.  I will accept donations from individuals or groups who only support what I have outlined in my vision statements.  I know money rules D.C., but that is the problem isn't it, I endeavor to fix that to the fullest extent possible!

Join the Hamilton for Oklahoma Campaign!

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